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Početna stranica > Novosti > Grafičar purchases FM-700 case maker, GR-CIM560 case-in machine and GR-PCM560 joint pressing machine in one package - Užice, Serbia
  • Vreme
    Sept 29, 2021
  • Broj pregleda
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  • Grafičar purchases FM-700 case maker, GR-CIM560 case-in machine and GR-PCM560 joint pressing machine in one package - Užice, Serbia

     The Užice-based book printer Grafičar was very happy to know that HEASN would open a subsidary corporation in Serbia during their first meeting in Feb. 2020. They confirmed to purchase three machines like FM-700 case maker, GR-CIM560 book case-in machine, and GR-PCM560 book joint-pressing machine by the government grant in 2021. The purchase confidence is based on the local services HEASN can provide after we open the showroom in Cacak, Serbia.